Our Mission

The sea plays a vital role in our environment and our well-being. Not only is it a source of food and livelihood for many humans and animals alike, but it also provides countless opportunities for recreational activities, such as swimming, surfing, and boating.

However, the sea is facing many challenges including pollution, overfishing, and climate change. That is why we are supporting organisations that are working to protect and preserve the ocean.

One of the charities we are supporting is the Marine Conservation Society (MCS), who are committed to beach cleaning and protecting marine life. Another is Ghost Fishing UK, who work to remove abandoned fishing gear from the sea, which makes up over half of all litter in the ocean.

We also support Surfers Against Sewage, who are dedicated to cleaning beaches and campaigning against sea pollution. They also educate people on how to protect the ocean and reduce their environmental impact.

Another charity we support is the Wave Project, which provides sea experiences and sea therapy to vulnerable and disabled children and adults. 

Finally, we are supporting City to Sea, who lobby against single-use plastics and also work to keep the sea clean through beach cleans and other fantastic work.

All profits from our competitions go to supporting these amazing organisations, and help protect the sea for future generations. Together, we can make a difference.